04-18-2001 - 8:39 pm guestbook

Midnight roast coffee and awake time. Mmmm...

I'm feeling much better. Still broke, but happy. The medication for the headaches is really working out, and without drugging me senseless straight into bed.

When I got home this afternoon, Jeff had made the bed and taken out the garbage. His clothes were lain neatly in the bedroom and the overnight bag full for the rest of the week.

He was going to drive one of my best friends to Huntsville tomorrow, because I was to be stuck working endless hours and she is worried about her boyfriend, who has disappeared for weeks. He planned to help her find him, to do what I wished to for her but had no escape route in sight.

Now however, the boyfriend has been located and although Jeff no longer has to go, his offer and the entire unselfish ceremony of it all lingers in my mind.

I've been told to thank him for all he planned to do from this nigh-stranger to him (but dear friend to me), and to "scratch him to see if underneath he is gold".

What an interesting concept, and so likely to be true. =]

.so presently.
